Thursday, June 22, 2006

Being Beautiful Part two

Make the effort to look good
Keeping yourself well groomed and smartly dressed will show that you have confidence in yourself. If you don't apply make up and dress scruffily, you'll give the impression that you don't think your worth the offer and others will pick up on that and treat you accordingly.

Create eye contact
When you're talking to someone, look them directly in the eyes and maintain that contact throughout the conversation looking at the floor show a complete lack of self-esteem, and if you keep moving your eyes away it will look like you're nervous and on't believe in what you're saying. This will make the other person disbelieve it, too.

Stay Calm
Be calm and serene. Take a deep breath before starting to speak and think before you open your mouth. If you babble away to someone you've just met, they'll think your jittery and nervous. You don't have to answer questions immediately. By taking your time, you'll come across as confident and in charge of the conversation.

Make the most of your strong points
If you have great eyes or slim hips, use eyes make up that will make your eyes look stunning, or wear a skirt or trousers that will accentuate your hips. By drawing attention to the parts of you that look good, you'll find others are less likely to notice that bits you're unhappy with. Also by showing off your strong points, it's like you're telling the world that you're happy and confident with what you have. And that a good signal to give out.

Walk tall
Hold your head up, focus your eyes straight ahead, and carry yourself upright. Deportment is an obvious indication of someone's personality. Keeping your head down show signs of nervousness and will do nothing to make anyone think you believe in yourself. Also avoid twisting your hands, standing awkwardly or shifting from foot to foot. Focusing on your posture will not only give you an air of confidence, but will also make you appear taller and slimmer.

Fashion Tips

Never be down to your last pair of stockings.

Make your best asset your personal signature, whether it's emphasizing a small waist line, good legs or lovely hair.

When you find a bra that works for you, buy 1/2 dozen. They have a way of dissapering when you look for them again.

Chewing gum is an instant image braker.

Always stand up straight. Poor posture changes the shape and design of your clothing.

Think of your voice as a musical instrument and be aware of keeping it's pitch perfect.

Keep a small umbrella in your bag, at all times. One day you'll be thankful you did.

Never split up a suit- the seperate pieces won't look as good with any other partners as they look together.

You should keep the following iteams in your purse or in your desk at work incase of an emergency:

  • Clear nail polish (for stocking runs)
  • Nail file
  • Cuticle scissors
  • Extra pair of panty hose/stockings
  • Small sewing kit
  • Chapstick
  • Pad/Tampons
  • Dental floss & toothpicks
  • tissues
  • mini bottle of lotion
  • mini trial size perfume


  • Mend a borken nail in a trice. Cover the break with a tiny piece of dry tea bag, then paint and set with a top coat.
  • Set we nail polish by rubbing a little vegetable oil over the colour.
  • If you don't have the time to apply full makeup, don't even attempt it. Instead, apply a light layer of foundation to the areas that shoe disolouration- normally the cheeks, nose, and chin. Or use a tinted moisturiser to give your skin a healthy glow.
  • Create the look of false eyelashes by applying a coat of mascara, followed by a light layer of translucent loose power, then a final coat of mascara
  • Soften facial lines. After applying foundation, put a blob of moisturiser in the palm of your hand to warm it up, then using one finger, pat the lotion anywhere that you have lines to create a more soft focus finish.
  • Calm bushy brows witha thin layer of vasaline, and make sparse brows appear fuller by filling in the gaps with a shade of powder that blends with their natural colour.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Empress Josehines Cleanser

1/4 cup aleo vera gel
2 tablespoons fresh whole milk

Mix together the 2 ingredients. Store in the refrigerator.
To Use: Pour a small amount in your hand and massage in to your skin. Rinse well with tepid water and pat dry.

Oatmeal Cleanser

1 cup warm water
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 tablespoon honey
1-2 drops tincture of benzoin (optional)

Place all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor. Blend on high speed until smooth and creamy. Place in an air tight container.
To Use: Rinse skin well with tepid water.
Place a small amount in the palm of your hand
and gently massage into your skin.

Being Beautiful Part one

Inner beauty is the beauty that makes us beautiful. Some of the world most captivating women arn't/weren't beautiful. And yet their poise confidence, and inner feelings of worthiness say more than a pretty face ever could.
Looking after the outer shell is important, but it means nothing if you don't care for yourself, and our inner beauty is often the one that goes without tender loving care.

Here are some tips by Angela Court, that I found very helpful.

  • Don't put your self down or focus on your negative points. Instead, remind yourself of what you've achieved and be proud of yourself. Accept that even if you haven't done everything you set out to do in life, that doesn't make you a bad person or a failure.
  • Embrace your good points and accept your bad ones. If you're positive and happy the chances are others won't even notice the parts of you that you don't like and you'll find that before long you won't be as bothered by the either.
  • Build up your self knowledge by focusing on your strengths, and become aware of them. Rather than saying, "I'm useless at.." Or "I look terrible in trousers because my stomachs so fat." let the inner you shine through by accentuating the good parts of both your looks and personality.
  • Whether your concentration is on how you look, or about completing a take, set yourself achievalbe gals and target s and pat yourself on the back when you reach them. You'll look and feel more confident and other will pick up on those vibes.